Interface LookupPermissionSetsRequestOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
LookupPermissionSetsRequest, LookupPermissionSetsRequest.Builder

public interface LookupPermissionSetsRequestOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    limit is the number of permission sets to stream over a single LookupPermissionSets.
    optional_at_revision specifies the client is requesting to lookup PermissionSets at a specific revision.
    optional_at_revision specifies the client is requesting to lookup PermissionSets at a specific revision.
    optional_starting_after_cursor is used to specify the offset to start streaming permission sets from.
    optional_starting_after_cursor is used to specify the offset to start streaming permission sets from.
    optional_at_revision specifies the client is requesting to lookup PermissionSets at a specific revision.
    optional_starting_after_cursor is used to specify the offset to start streaming permission sets from.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getLimit

      int getLimit()
       limit is the number of permission sets to stream over a single LookupPermissionSets. Once the limit is reached,
       the server will close the stream. If more permission sets are available, the consume should open a new stream
       providing optional_starting_after_cursor, using the cursor from the last response.
      uint32 limit = 1;
      The limit.
    • hasOptionalAtRevision

      boolean hasOptionalAtRevision()
       optional_at_revision specifies the client is requesting to lookup PermissionSets at a specific revision. It's
       optional, and if not provided, PermissionSets will be looked up at the current revision. The cursor always
       takes precedence in defining the revision when present.
      .authzed.api.v1.ZedToken optional_at_revision = 2;
      Whether the optionalAtRevision field is set.
    • getOptionalAtRevision

      ZedToken getOptionalAtRevision()
       optional_at_revision specifies the client is requesting to lookup PermissionSets at a specific revision. It's
       optional, and if not provided, PermissionSets will be looked up at the current revision. The cursor always
       takes precedence in defining the revision when present.
      .authzed.api.v1.ZedToken optional_at_revision = 2;
      The optionalAtRevision.
    • getOptionalAtRevisionOrBuilder

      ZedTokenOrBuilder getOptionalAtRevisionOrBuilder()
       optional_at_revision specifies the client is requesting to lookup PermissionSets at a specific revision. It's
       optional, and if not provided, PermissionSets will be looked up at the current revision. The cursor always
       takes precedence in defining the revision when present.
      .authzed.api.v1.ZedToken optional_at_revision = 2;
    • hasOptionalStartingAfterCursor

      boolean hasOptionalStartingAfterCursor()
       optional_starting_after_cursor is used to specify the offset to start streaming permission sets from.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.Cursor optional_starting_after_cursor = 4;
      Whether the optionalStartingAfterCursor field is set.
    • getOptionalStartingAfterCursor

      Cursor getOptionalStartingAfterCursor()
       optional_starting_after_cursor is used to specify the offset to start streaming permission sets from.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.Cursor optional_starting_after_cursor = 4;
      The optionalStartingAfterCursor.
    • getOptionalStartingAfterCursorOrBuilder

      CursorOrBuilder getOptionalStartingAfterCursorOrBuilder()
       optional_starting_after_cursor is used to specify the offset to start streaming permission sets from.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.Cursor optional_starting_after_cursor = 4;