Interface LookupPermissionSetsResponseOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
LookupPermissionSetsResponse, LookupPermissionSetsResponse.Builder

public interface LookupPermissionSetsResponseOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    change represents the permission set delta necessary to transition an uninitialized target system to a specific snapshot revision.
    change represents the permission set delta necessary to transition an uninitialized target system to a specific snapshot revision.
    cursor points to a specific permission set in a revision.
    cursor points to a specific permission set in a revision.
    change represents the permission set delta necessary to transition an uninitialized target system to a specific snapshot revision.
    cursor points to a specific permission set in a revision.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • hasChange

      boolean hasChange()
       change represents the permission set delta necessary to transition an uninitialized target system to
       a specific snapshot revision. In practice it's not different from the WatchPermissionSetsResponse.change, except
       all changes will be of time SET_OPERATION_ADDED because it's assumed there is no known previous state.
       Applying the deltas to a previously initialized target system would yield incorrect results.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.PermissionSetChange change = 1;
      Whether the change field is set.
    • getChange

      PermissionSetChange getChange()
       change represents the permission set delta necessary to transition an uninitialized target system to
       a specific snapshot revision. In practice it's not different from the WatchPermissionSetsResponse.change, except
       all changes will be of time SET_OPERATION_ADDED because it's assumed there is no known previous state.
       Applying the deltas to a previously initialized target system would yield incorrect results.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.PermissionSetChange change = 1;
      The change.
    • getChangeOrBuilder

      PermissionSetChangeOrBuilder getChangeOrBuilder()
       change represents the permission set delta necessary to transition an uninitialized target system to
       a specific snapshot revision. In practice it's not different from the WatchPermissionSetsResponse.change, except
       all changes will be of time SET_OPERATION_ADDED because it's assumed there is no known previous state.
       Applying the deltas to a previously initialized target system would yield incorrect results.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.PermissionSetChange change = 1;
    • hasCursor

      boolean hasCursor()
       cursor points to a specific permission set in a revision.
       The consumer should keep track of the cursor in order to resume streaming in the event of consumer restarts. This
       is particularly important in backfill scenarios that may take hours or event days to complete.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.Cursor cursor = 2;
      Whether the cursor field is set.
    • getCursor

      Cursor getCursor()
       cursor points to a specific permission set in a revision.
       The consumer should keep track of the cursor in order to resume streaming in the event of consumer restarts. This
       is particularly important in backfill scenarios that may take hours or event days to complete.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.Cursor cursor = 2;
      The cursor.
    • getCursorOrBuilder

      CursorOrBuilder getCursorOrBuilder()
       cursor points to a specific permission set in a revision.
       The consumer should keep track of the cursor in order to resume streaming in the event of consumer restarts. This
       is particularly important in backfill scenarios that may take hours or event days to complete.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.Cursor cursor = 2;