Interface WatchPermissionSetsResponseOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
WatchPermissionSetsResponse, WatchPermissionSetsResponse.Builder

public interface WatchPermissionSetsResponseOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    breaking_schema_change is a signal that a breaking schema change has been written to the origin SpiceDB cluster, and that the consumer should expect delays in the ingestion of new changes, because the permission set snapshot needs to be rebuilt from scratch.
    breaking_schema_change is a signal that a breaking schema change has been written to the origin SpiceDB cluster, and that the consumer should expect delays in the ingestion of new changes, because the permission set snapshot needs to be rebuilt from scratch.
    change is the permission set delta that has occurred as result of a mutation in origin SpiceDB.
    change is the permission set delta that has occurred as result of a mutation in origin SpiceDB.
    completed_revision is the revision token that indicates the completion of a set of changes.
    completed_revision is the revision token that indicates the completion of a set of changes.
    lookup_permission_sets_required is a signal that the consumer should perform a LookupPermissionSets call because the permission set snapshot needs to be rebuilt from scratch.
    lookup_permission_sets_required is a signal that the consumer should perform a LookupPermissionSets call because the permission set snapshot needs to be rebuilt from scratch.
    breaking_schema_change is a signal that a breaking schema change has been written to the origin SpiceDB cluster, and that the consumer should expect delays in the ingestion of new changes, because the permission set snapshot needs to be rebuilt from scratch.
    change is the permission set delta that has occurred as result of a mutation in origin SpiceDB.
    completed_revision is the revision token that indicates the completion of a set of changes.
    lookup_permission_sets_required is a signal that the consumer should perform a LookupPermissionSets call because the permission set snapshot needs to be rebuilt from scratch.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • hasChange

      boolean hasChange()
       change is the permission set delta that has occurred as result of a mutation in origin SpiceDB.
       The consumer should apply this change to the current state of the permission sets in their target system.
       Once an event arrives with completed_revision instead, the consumer shall consider the set of
       changes originating from that revision completed.
       The consumer should keep track of the revision in order to resume streaming in the event of consumer restarts.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.PermissionSetChange change = 1;
      Whether the change field is set.
    • getChange

      PermissionSetChange getChange()
       change is the permission set delta that has occurred as result of a mutation in origin SpiceDB.
       The consumer should apply this change to the current state of the permission sets in their target system.
       Once an event arrives with completed_revision instead, the consumer shall consider the set of
       changes originating from that revision completed.
       The consumer should keep track of the revision in order to resume streaming in the event of consumer restarts.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.PermissionSetChange change = 1;
      The change.
    • getChangeOrBuilder

      PermissionSetChangeOrBuilder getChangeOrBuilder()
       change is the permission set delta that has occurred as result of a mutation in origin SpiceDB.
       The consumer should apply this change to the current state of the permission sets in their target system.
       Once an event arrives with completed_revision instead, the consumer shall consider the set of
       changes originating from that revision completed.
       The consumer should keep track of the revision in order to resume streaming in the event of consumer restarts.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.PermissionSetChange change = 1;
    • hasCompletedRevision

      boolean hasCompletedRevision()
       completed_revision is the revision token that indicates the completion of a set of changes. It may also be
       received without accompanying set of changes, indicating that a mutation in the origin SpiceDB cluster did
       not yield any effective changes in the permission sets
      .authzed.api.v1.ZedToken completed_revision = 2;
      Whether the completedRevision field is set.
    • getCompletedRevision

      ZedToken getCompletedRevision()
       completed_revision is the revision token that indicates the completion of a set of changes. It may also be
       received without accompanying set of changes, indicating that a mutation in the origin SpiceDB cluster did
       not yield any effective changes in the permission sets
      .authzed.api.v1.ZedToken completed_revision = 2;
      The completedRevision.
    • getCompletedRevisionOrBuilder

      ZedTokenOrBuilder getCompletedRevisionOrBuilder()
       completed_revision is the revision token that indicates the completion of a set of changes. It may also be
       received without accompanying set of changes, indicating that a mutation in the origin SpiceDB cluster did
       not yield any effective changes in the permission sets
      .authzed.api.v1.ZedToken completed_revision = 2;
    • hasLookupPermissionSetsRequired

      boolean hasLookupPermissionSetsRequired()
       lookup_permission_sets_required is a signal that the consumer should perform a LookupPermissionSets call because
       the permission set snapshot needs to be rebuilt from scratch. This typically happens when the origin SpiceDB
       cluster has seen its schema changed.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.LookupPermissionSetsRequired lookup_permission_sets_required = 3;
      Whether the lookupPermissionSetsRequired field is set.
    • getLookupPermissionSetsRequired

      LookupPermissionSetsRequired getLookupPermissionSetsRequired()
       lookup_permission_sets_required is a signal that the consumer should perform a LookupPermissionSets call because
       the permission set snapshot needs to be rebuilt from scratch. This typically happens when the origin SpiceDB
       cluster has seen its schema changed.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.LookupPermissionSetsRequired lookup_permission_sets_required = 3;
      The lookupPermissionSetsRequired.
    • getLookupPermissionSetsRequiredOrBuilder

      LookupPermissionSetsRequiredOrBuilder getLookupPermissionSetsRequiredOrBuilder()
       lookup_permission_sets_required is a signal that the consumer should perform a LookupPermissionSets call because
       the permission set snapshot needs to be rebuilt from scratch. This typically happens when the origin SpiceDB
       cluster has seen its schema changed.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.LookupPermissionSetsRequired lookup_permission_sets_required = 3;
    • hasBreakingSchemaChange

      boolean hasBreakingSchemaChange()
       breaking_schema_change is a signal that a breaking schema change has been written to the origin SpiceDB cluster,
       and that the consumer should expect delays in the ingestion of new changes,
       because the permission set snapshot needs to be rebuilt from scratch. Once the snapshot is ready, the consumer
       will receive a LookupPermissionSetsRequired event.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.BreakingSchemaChange breaking_schema_change = 4;
      Whether the breakingSchemaChange field is set.
    • getBreakingSchemaChange

      BreakingSchemaChange getBreakingSchemaChange()
       breaking_schema_change is a signal that a breaking schema change has been written to the origin SpiceDB cluster,
       and that the consumer should expect delays in the ingestion of new changes,
       because the permission set snapshot needs to be rebuilt from scratch. Once the snapshot is ready, the consumer
       will receive a LookupPermissionSetsRequired event.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.BreakingSchemaChange breaking_schema_change = 4;
      The breakingSchemaChange.
    • getBreakingSchemaChangeOrBuilder

      BreakingSchemaChangeOrBuilder getBreakingSchemaChangeOrBuilder()
       breaking_schema_change is a signal that a breaking schema change has been written to the origin SpiceDB cluster,
       and that the consumer should expect delays in the ingestion of new changes,
       because the permission set snapshot needs to be rebuilt from scratch. Once the snapshot is ready, the consumer
       will receive a LookupPermissionSetsRequired event.
      .authzed.api.materialize.v0.BreakingSchemaChange breaking_schema_change = 4;
    • getResponseCase