Interface BulkExportRelationshipsRequestOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
BulkExportRelationshipsRequest, BulkExportRelationshipsRequest.Builder

public interface BulkExportRelationshipsRequestOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    .authzed.api.v1.Consistency consistency = 1;
    .authzed.api.v1.Consistency consistency = 1;
    optional_cursor, if specified, indicates the cursor after which results should resume being returned.
    optional_cursor, if specified, indicates the cursor after which results should resume being returned.
    optional_limit, if non-zero, specifies the limit on the number of relationships the server can return in one page.
    optional_relationship_filter, if specified, indicates the filter to apply to each relationship to be exported.
    optional_relationship_filter, if specified, indicates the filter to apply to each relationship to be exported.
    .authzed.api.v1.Consistency consistency = 1;
    optional_cursor, if specified, indicates the cursor after which results should resume being returned.
    optional_relationship_filter, if specified, indicates the filter to apply to each relationship to be exported.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • hasConsistency

      boolean hasConsistency()
      .authzed.api.v1.Consistency consistency = 1;
      Whether the consistency field is set.
    • getConsistency

      Consistency getConsistency()
      .authzed.api.v1.Consistency consistency = 1;
      The consistency.
    • getConsistencyOrBuilder

      ConsistencyOrBuilder getConsistencyOrBuilder()
      .authzed.api.v1.Consistency consistency = 1;
    • getOptionalLimit

      int getOptionalLimit()
       optional_limit, if non-zero, specifies the limit on the number of
       relationships the server can return in one page. By default, the server
       will pick a page size, and the server is free to choose a smaller size
       at will.
      uint32 optional_limit = 2 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
      The optionalLimit.
    • hasOptionalCursor

      boolean hasOptionalCursor()
       optional_cursor, if specified, indicates the cursor after which results
       should resume being returned. The cursor can be found on the
       BulkExportRelationshipsResponse object.
      .authzed.api.v1.Cursor optional_cursor = 3;
      Whether the optionalCursor field is set.
    • getOptionalCursor

      Cursor getOptionalCursor()
       optional_cursor, if specified, indicates the cursor after which results
       should resume being returned. The cursor can be found on the
       BulkExportRelationshipsResponse object.
      .authzed.api.v1.Cursor optional_cursor = 3;
      The optionalCursor.
    • getOptionalCursorOrBuilder

      CursorOrBuilder getOptionalCursorOrBuilder()
       optional_cursor, if specified, indicates the cursor after which results
       should resume being returned. The cursor can be found on the
       BulkExportRelationshipsResponse object.
      .authzed.api.v1.Cursor optional_cursor = 3;
    • hasOptionalRelationshipFilter

      boolean hasOptionalRelationshipFilter()
       optional_relationship_filter, if specified, indicates the
       filter to apply to each relationship to be exported.
      .authzed.api.v1.RelationshipFilter optional_relationship_filter = 4;
      Whether the optionalRelationshipFilter field is set.
    • getOptionalRelationshipFilter

      RelationshipFilter getOptionalRelationshipFilter()
       optional_relationship_filter, if specified, indicates the
       filter to apply to each relationship to be exported.
      .authzed.api.v1.RelationshipFilter optional_relationship_filter = 4;
      The optionalRelationshipFilter.
    • getOptionalRelationshipFilterOrBuilder

      RelationshipFilterOrBuilder getOptionalRelationshipFilterOrBuilder()
       optional_relationship_filter, if specified, indicates the
       filter to apply to each relationship to be exported.
      .authzed.api.v1.RelationshipFilter optional_relationship_filter = 4;