Interface CheckDebugTraceOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
CheckDebugTrace, CheckDebugTrace.Builder

public interface CheckDebugTraceOrBuilder extends
  • Method Details

    • hasResource

      boolean hasResource()
       resource holds the resource on which the Check was performed.
      .authzed.api.v1.ObjectReference resource = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
      Whether the resource field is set.
    • getResource

      ObjectReference getResource()
       resource holds the resource on which the Check was performed.
      .authzed.api.v1.ObjectReference resource = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
      The resource.
    • getResourceOrBuilder

      ObjectReferenceOrBuilder getResourceOrBuilder()
       resource holds the resource on which the Check was performed.
      .authzed.api.v1.ObjectReference resource = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
    • getPermission

      String getPermission()
       permission holds the name of the permission or relation on which the Check was performed.
      string permission = 2;
      The permission.
    • getPermissionBytes getPermissionBytes()
       permission holds the name of the permission or relation on which the Check was performed.
      string permission = 2;
      The bytes for permission.
    • getPermissionTypeValue

      int getPermissionTypeValue()
       permission_type holds information indicating whether it was a permission or relation.
      .authzed.api.v1.CheckDebugTrace.PermissionType permission_type = 3 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
      The enum numeric value on the wire for permissionType.
    • getPermissionType

      CheckDebugTrace.PermissionType getPermissionType()
       permission_type holds information indicating whether it was a permission or relation.
      .authzed.api.v1.CheckDebugTrace.PermissionType permission_type = 3 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
      The permissionType.
    • hasSubject

      boolean hasSubject()
       subject holds the subject on which the Check was performed. This will be static across all calls within
       the same Check tree.
      .authzed.api.v1.SubjectReference subject = 4 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
      Whether the subject field is set.
    • getSubject

      SubjectReference getSubject()
       subject holds the subject on which the Check was performed. This will be static across all calls within
       the same Check tree.
      .authzed.api.v1.SubjectReference subject = 4 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
      The subject.
    • getSubjectOrBuilder

      SubjectReferenceOrBuilder getSubjectOrBuilder()
       subject holds the subject on which the Check was performed. This will be static across all calls within
       the same Check tree.
      .authzed.api.v1.SubjectReference subject = 4 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
    • getResultValue

      int getResultValue()
       result holds the result of the Check call.
      .authzed.api.v1.CheckDebugTrace.Permissionship result = 5 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
      The enum numeric value on the wire for result.
    • getResult

       result holds the result of the Check call.
      .authzed.api.v1.CheckDebugTrace.Permissionship result = 5 [(.validate.rules) = { ... }
      The result.
    • hasCaveatEvaluationInfo

      boolean hasCaveatEvaluationInfo()
       caveat_evaluation_info holds information about the caveat evaluated for this step of the trace.
      .authzed.api.v1.CaveatEvalInfo caveat_evaluation_info = 8;
      Whether the caveatEvaluationInfo field is set.
    • getCaveatEvaluationInfo

      CaveatEvalInfo getCaveatEvaluationInfo()
       caveat_evaluation_info holds information about the caveat evaluated for this step of the trace.
      .authzed.api.v1.CaveatEvalInfo caveat_evaluation_info = 8;
      The caveatEvaluationInfo.
    • getCaveatEvaluationInfoOrBuilder

      CaveatEvalInfoOrBuilder getCaveatEvaluationInfoOrBuilder()
       caveat_evaluation_info holds information about the caveat evaluated for this step of the trace.
      .authzed.api.v1.CaveatEvalInfo caveat_evaluation_info = 8;
    • hasDuration

      boolean hasDuration()
       duration holds the time spent executing this Check operation.
      .google.protobuf.Duration duration = 9;
      Whether the duration field is set.
    • getDuration getDuration()
       duration holds the time spent executing this Check operation.
      .google.protobuf.Duration duration = 9;
      The duration.
    • getDurationOrBuilder getDurationOrBuilder()
       duration holds the time spent executing this Check operation.
      .google.protobuf.Duration duration = 9;
    • hasWasCachedResult

      boolean hasWasCachedResult()
       was_cached_result, if true, indicates that the result was found in the cache and returned directly.
      bool was_cached_result = 6;
      Whether the wasCachedResult field is set.
    • getWasCachedResult

      boolean getWasCachedResult()
       was_cached_result, if true, indicates that the result was found in the cache and returned directly.
      bool was_cached_result = 6;
      The wasCachedResult.
    • hasSubProblems

      boolean hasSubProblems()
       sub_problems holds the sub problems that were executed to resolve the answer to this Check. An empty list
       and a permissionship of PERMISSIONSHIP_HAS_PERMISSION indicates the subject was found within this relation.
      .authzed.api.v1.CheckDebugTrace.SubProblems sub_problems = 7;
      Whether the subProblems field is set.
    • getSubProblems

      CheckDebugTrace.SubProblems getSubProblems()
       sub_problems holds the sub problems that were executed to resolve the answer to this Check. An empty list
       and a permissionship of PERMISSIONSHIP_HAS_PERMISSION indicates the subject was found within this relation.
      .authzed.api.v1.CheckDebugTrace.SubProblems sub_problems = 7;
      The subProblems.
    • getSubProblemsOrBuilder

      CheckDebugTrace.SubProblemsOrBuilder getSubProblemsOrBuilder()
       sub_problems holds the sub problems that were executed to resolve the answer to this Check. An empty list
       and a permissionship of PERMISSIONSHIP_HAS_PERMISSION indicates the subject was found within this relation.
      .authzed.api.v1.CheckDebugTrace.SubProblems sub_problems = 7;
    • getResolutionCase

      CheckDebugTrace.ResolutionCase getResolutionCase()