Interface LookupSubjectsResponseOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
LookupSubjectsResponse, LookupSubjectsResponse.Builder

public interface LookupSubjectsResponseOrBuilder extends
  • Method Details

    • hasLookedUpAt

      boolean hasLookedUpAt()
      .authzed.api.v1.ZedToken looked_up_at = 1;
      Whether the lookedUpAt field is set.
    • getLookedUpAt

      ZedToken getLookedUpAt()
      .authzed.api.v1.ZedToken looked_up_at = 1;
      The lookedUpAt.
    • getLookedUpAtOrBuilder

      ZedTokenOrBuilder getLookedUpAtOrBuilder()
      .authzed.api.v1.ZedToken looked_up_at = 1;
    • getSubjectObjectId

      @Deprecated String getSubjectObjectId()
      authzed.api.v1.LookupSubjectsResponse.subject_object_id is deprecated. See authzed/api/v1/permission_service.proto;l=615
       subject_object_id is the Object ID of the subject found. May be a `*` if
       a wildcard was found.
       deprecated: use `subject`
      string subject_object_id = 2 [deprecated = true];
      The subjectObjectId.
    • getSubjectObjectIdBytes

      @Deprecated getSubjectObjectIdBytes()
      authzed.api.v1.LookupSubjectsResponse.subject_object_id is deprecated. See authzed/api/v1/permission_service.proto;l=615
       subject_object_id is the Object ID of the subject found. May be a `*` if
       a wildcard was found.
       deprecated: use `subject`
      string subject_object_id = 2 [deprecated = true];
      The bytes for subjectObjectId.
    • getExcludedSubjectIdsList

      @Deprecated List<String> getExcludedSubjectIdsList()
      authzed.api.v1.LookupSubjectsResponse.excluded_subject_ids is deprecated. See authzed/api/v1/permission_service.proto;l=621
       excluded_subject_ids are the Object IDs of the subjects excluded. This list
       will only contain object IDs if `subject_object_id` is a wildcard (`*`) and
       will only be populated if exclusions exist from the wildcard.
       deprecated: use `excluded_subjects`
      repeated string excluded_subject_ids = 3 [deprecated = true];
      A list containing the excludedSubjectIds.
    • getExcludedSubjectIdsCount

      @Deprecated int getExcludedSubjectIdsCount()
      authzed.api.v1.LookupSubjectsResponse.excluded_subject_ids is deprecated. See authzed/api/v1/permission_service.proto;l=621
       excluded_subject_ids are the Object IDs of the subjects excluded. This list
       will only contain object IDs if `subject_object_id` is a wildcard (`*`) and
       will only be populated if exclusions exist from the wildcard.
       deprecated: use `excluded_subjects`
      repeated string excluded_subject_ids = 3 [deprecated = true];
      The count of excludedSubjectIds.
    • getExcludedSubjectIds

      @Deprecated String getExcludedSubjectIds(int index)
      authzed.api.v1.LookupSubjectsResponse.excluded_subject_ids is deprecated. See authzed/api/v1/permission_service.proto;l=621
       excluded_subject_ids are the Object IDs of the subjects excluded. This list
       will only contain object IDs if `subject_object_id` is a wildcard (`*`) and
       will only be populated if exclusions exist from the wildcard.
       deprecated: use `excluded_subjects`
      repeated string excluded_subject_ids = 3 [deprecated = true];
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The excludedSubjectIds at the given index.
    • getExcludedSubjectIdsBytes

      @Deprecated getExcludedSubjectIdsBytes(int index)
      authzed.api.v1.LookupSubjectsResponse.excluded_subject_ids is deprecated. See authzed/api/v1/permission_service.proto;l=621
       excluded_subject_ids are the Object IDs of the subjects excluded. This list
       will only contain object IDs if `subject_object_id` is a wildcard (`*`) and
       will only be populated if exclusions exist from the wildcard.
       deprecated: use `excluded_subjects`
      repeated string excluded_subject_ids = 3 [deprecated = true];
      index - The index of the value to return.
      The bytes of the excludedSubjectIds at the given index.
    • getPermissionshipValue

      @Deprecated int getPermissionshipValue()
      authzed.api.v1.LookupSubjectsResponse.permissionship is deprecated. See authzed/api/v1/permission_service.proto;l=625
       permissionship indicates whether the response was partially evaluated or not
       deprecated: use `subject.permissionship`
      .authzed.api.v1.LookupPermissionship permissionship = 4 [deprecated = true, (.validate.rules) = { ... }
      The enum numeric value on the wire for permissionship.
    • getPermissionship

      @Deprecated LookupPermissionship getPermissionship()
      authzed.api.v1.LookupSubjectsResponse.permissionship is deprecated. See authzed/api/v1/permission_service.proto;l=625
       permissionship indicates whether the response was partially evaluated or not
       deprecated: use `subject.permissionship`
      .authzed.api.v1.LookupPermissionship permissionship = 4 [deprecated = true, (.validate.rules) = { ... }
      The permissionship.
    • hasPartialCaveatInfo

      @Deprecated boolean hasPartialCaveatInfo()
      authzed.api.v1.LookupSubjectsResponse.partial_caveat_info is deprecated. See authzed/api/v1/permission_service.proto;l=629
       partial_caveat_info holds information of a partially-evaluated caveated response
       deprecated: use `subject.partial_caveat_info`
      .authzed.api.v1.PartialCaveatInfo partial_caveat_info = 5 [deprecated = true, (.validate.rules) = { ... }
      Whether the partialCaveatInfo field is set.
    • getPartialCaveatInfo

      @Deprecated PartialCaveatInfo getPartialCaveatInfo()
      authzed.api.v1.LookupSubjectsResponse.partial_caveat_info is deprecated. See authzed/api/v1/permission_service.proto;l=629
       partial_caveat_info holds information of a partially-evaluated caveated response
       deprecated: use `subject.partial_caveat_info`
      .authzed.api.v1.PartialCaveatInfo partial_caveat_info = 5 [deprecated = true, (.validate.rules) = { ... }
      The partialCaveatInfo.
    • getPartialCaveatInfoOrBuilder

      @Deprecated PartialCaveatInfoOrBuilder getPartialCaveatInfoOrBuilder()
       partial_caveat_info holds information of a partially-evaluated caveated response
       deprecated: use `subject.partial_caveat_info`
      .authzed.api.v1.PartialCaveatInfo partial_caveat_info = 5 [deprecated = true, (.validate.rules) = { ... }
    • hasSubject

      boolean hasSubject()
       subject is the subject found, along with its permissionship.
      .authzed.api.v1.ResolvedSubject subject = 6;
      Whether the subject field is set.
    • getSubject

      ResolvedSubject getSubject()
       subject is the subject found, along with its permissionship.
      .authzed.api.v1.ResolvedSubject subject = 6;
      The subject.
    • getSubjectOrBuilder

      ResolvedSubjectOrBuilder getSubjectOrBuilder()
       subject is the subject found, along with its permissionship.
      .authzed.api.v1.ResolvedSubject subject = 6;
    • getExcludedSubjectsList

      List<ResolvedSubject> getExcludedSubjectsList()
       excluded_subjects are the subjects excluded. This list
       will only contain subjects if `subject.subject_object_id` is a wildcard (`*`) and
       will only be populated if exclusions exist from the wildcard.
      repeated .authzed.api.v1.ResolvedSubject excluded_subjects = 7;
    • getExcludedSubjects

      ResolvedSubject getExcludedSubjects(int index)
       excluded_subjects are the subjects excluded. This list
       will only contain subjects if `subject.subject_object_id` is a wildcard (`*`) and
       will only be populated if exclusions exist from the wildcard.
      repeated .authzed.api.v1.ResolvedSubject excluded_subjects = 7;
    • getExcludedSubjectsCount

      int getExcludedSubjectsCount()
       excluded_subjects are the subjects excluded. This list
       will only contain subjects if `subject.subject_object_id` is a wildcard (`*`) and
       will only be populated if exclusions exist from the wildcard.
      repeated .authzed.api.v1.ResolvedSubject excluded_subjects = 7;
    • getExcludedSubjectsOrBuilderList

      List<? extends ResolvedSubjectOrBuilder> getExcludedSubjectsOrBuilderList()
       excluded_subjects are the subjects excluded. This list
       will only contain subjects if `subject.subject_object_id` is a wildcard (`*`) and
       will only be populated if exclusions exist from the wildcard.
      repeated .authzed.api.v1.ResolvedSubject excluded_subjects = 7;
    • getExcludedSubjectsOrBuilder

      ResolvedSubjectOrBuilder getExcludedSubjectsOrBuilder(int index)
       excluded_subjects are the subjects excluded. This list
       will only contain subjects if `subject.subject_object_id` is a wildcard (`*`) and
       will only be populated if exclusions exist from the wildcard.
      repeated .authzed.api.v1.ResolvedSubject excluded_subjects = 7;
    • hasAfterResultCursor

      boolean hasAfterResultCursor()
       after_result_cursor holds a cursor that can be used to resume the LookupSubjects stream after this
      .authzed.api.v1.Cursor after_result_cursor = 8;
      Whether the afterResultCursor field is set.
    • getAfterResultCursor

      Cursor getAfterResultCursor()
       after_result_cursor holds a cursor that can be used to resume the LookupSubjects stream after this
      .authzed.api.v1.Cursor after_result_cursor = 8;
      The afterResultCursor.
    • getAfterResultCursorOrBuilder

      CursorOrBuilder getAfterResultCursorOrBuilder()
       after_result_cursor holds a cursor that can be used to resume the LookupSubjects stream after this
      .authzed.api.v1.Cursor after_result_cursor = 8;