Interface Validate.MapRulesOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
Validate.MapRules, Validate.MapRules.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface Validate.MapRulesOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be evaluated only if the field is not empty
    Keys specifies the constraints to be applied to each key in the field.
    Keys specifies the constraints to be applied to each key in the field.
    MaxPairs specifies that this field must have the specified number of KVs at a maximum
    MinPairs specifies that this field must have the specified number of KVs at a minimum
    NoSparse specifies values in this field cannot be unset.
    Values specifies the constraints to be applied to the value of each key in the field.
    Values specifies the constraints to be applied to the value of each key in the field.
    IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be evaluated only if the field is not empty
    Keys specifies the constraints to be applied to each key in the field.
    MaxPairs specifies that this field must have the specified number of KVs at a maximum
    MinPairs specifies that this field must have the specified number of KVs at a minimum
    NoSparse specifies values in this field cannot be unset.
    Values specifies the constraints to be applied to the value of each key in the field.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • hasMinPairs

      boolean hasMinPairs()
       MinPairs specifies that this field must have the specified number of
       KVs at a minimum
      optional uint64 min_pairs = 1;
      Whether the minPairs field is set.
    • getMinPairs

      long getMinPairs()
       MinPairs specifies that this field must have the specified number of
       KVs at a minimum
      optional uint64 min_pairs = 1;
      The minPairs.
    • hasMaxPairs

      boolean hasMaxPairs()
       MaxPairs specifies that this field must have the specified number of
       KVs at a maximum
      optional uint64 max_pairs = 2;
      Whether the maxPairs field is set.
    • getMaxPairs

      long getMaxPairs()
       MaxPairs specifies that this field must have the specified number of
       KVs at a maximum
      optional uint64 max_pairs = 2;
      The maxPairs.
    • hasNoSparse

      boolean hasNoSparse()
       NoSparse specifies values in this field cannot be unset. This only
       applies to map's with message value types.
      optional bool no_sparse = 3;
      Whether the noSparse field is set.
    • getNoSparse

      boolean getNoSparse()
       NoSparse specifies values in this field cannot be unset. This only
       applies to map's with message value types.
      optional bool no_sparse = 3;
      The noSparse.
    • hasKeys

      boolean hasKeys()
       Keys specifies the constraints to be applied to each key in the field.
      optional .validate.FieldRules keys = 4;
      Whether the keys field is set.
    • getKeys

       Keys specifies the constraints to be applied to each key in the field.
      optional .validate.FieldRules keys = 4;
      The keys.
    • getKeysOrBuilder

      Validate.FieldRulesOrBuilder getKeysOrBuilder()
       Keys specifies the constraints to be applied to each key in the field.
      optional .validate.FieldRules keys = 4;
    • hasValues

      boolean hasValues()
       Values specifies the constraints to be applied to the value of each key
       in the field. Message values will still have their validations evaluated
       unless skip is specified here.
      optional .validate.FieldRules values = 5;
      Whether the values field is set.
    • getValues

      Validate.FieldRules getValues()
       Values specifies the constraints to be applied to the value of each key
       in the field. Message values will still have their validations evaluated
       unless skip is specified here.
      optional .validate.FieldRules values = 5;
      The values.
    • getValuesOrBuilder

      Validate.FieldRulesOrBuilder getValuesOrBuilder()
       Values specifies the constraints to be applied to the value of each key
       in the field. Message values will still have their validations evaluated
       unless skip is specified here.
      optional .validate.FieldRules values = 5;
    • hasIgnoreEmpty

      boolean hasIgnoreEmpty()
       IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
       evaluated only if the field is not empty
      optional bool ignore_empty = 6;
      Whether the ignoreEmpty field is set.
    • getIgnoreEmpty

      boolean getIgnoreEmpty()
       IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
       evaluated only if the field is not empty
      optional bool ignore_empty = 6;
      The ignoreEmpty.