Class Validate.StringRules.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:,,,, Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static final class Validate.StringRules.Builder extends<Validate.StringRules.Builder> implements Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
 StringRules describe the constraints applied to `string` values
Protobuf type validate.StringRules
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified values
    NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified values
    addIn(String value)
    In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified values
    addInBytes( value)
    In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified values
    NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified values
    addNotInBytes( value)
    NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified values
    Address specifies that the field must be either a valid hostname as defined by RFC 1034 (which does not support internationalized domain names or IDNs), or it can be a valid IP (v4 or v6).
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring anywhere in the string.
    Email specifies that the field must be a valid email address as defined by RFC 5322
    Hostname specifies that the field must be a valid hostname as defined by RFC 1034.
    IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be evaluated only if the field is not empty
    In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified values
    Ip specifies that the field must be a valid IP (v4 or v6) address.
    Ipv4 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv4 address.
    Ipv6 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv6 address.
    Len specifies that this field must be the specified number of characters (Unicode code points).
    LenBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
    MaxBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes at a maximum
    MaxLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of characters (Unicode code points) at a maximum.
    MinBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes at a minimum
    MinLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of characters (Unicode code points) at a minimum.
    NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring anywhere in the string.
    NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified values
    Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified regular expression (RE2 syntax).
    Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at the beginning of the string.
    This applies to regexes HTTP_HEADER_NAME and HTTP_HEADER_VALUE to enable strict header validation.
    Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at the end of the string.
    Uri specifies that the field must be a valid, absolute URI as defined by RFC 3986
    UriRef specifies that the field must be a valid URI as defined by RFC 3986 and may be relative or absolute.
    Uuid specifies that the field must be a valid UUID as defined by RFC 4122
    WellKnownRegex specifies a common well known pattern defined as a regex.
    Address specifies that the field must be either a valid hostname as defined by RFC 1034 (which does not support internationalized domain names or IDNs), or it can be a valid IP (v4 or v6).
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring anywhere in the string.
    Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring anywhere in the string.
    static final

    Email specifies that the field must be a valid email address as defined by RFC 5322
    Hostname specifies that the field must be a valid hostname as defined by RFC 1034.
    IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be evaluated only if the field is not empty
    getIn(int index)
    In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified values
    getInBytes(int index)
    In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified values
    In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified values
    In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified values
    Ip specifies that the field must be a valid IP (v4 or v6) address.
    Ipv4 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv4 address.
    Ipv6 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv6 address.
    Len specifies that this field must be the specified number of characters (Unicode code points).
    LenBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
    MaxBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes at a maximum
    MaxLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of characters (Unicode code points) at a maximum.
    MinBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes at a minimum
    MinLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of characters (Unicode code points) at a minimum.
    NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring anywhere in the string.
    NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring anywhere in the string.
    getNotIn(int index)
    NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified values
    getNotInBytes(int index)
    NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified values
    NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified values
    NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified values
    Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified regular expression (RE2 syntax).
    Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified regular expression (RE2 syntax).
    Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at the beginning of the string.
    Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at the beginning of the string.
    This applies to regexes HTTP_HEADER_NAME and HTTP_HEADER_VALUE to enable strict header validation.
    Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at the end of the string.
    Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at the end of the string.
    Uri specifies that the field must be a valid, absolute URI as defined by RFC 3986
    UriRef specifies that the field must be a valid URI as defined by RFC 3986 and may be relative or absolute.
    Uuid specifies that the field must be a valid UUID as defined by RFC 4122
    WellKnownRegex specifies a common well known pattern defined as a regex.
    Address specifies that the field must be either a valid hostname as defined by RFC 1034 (which does not support internationalized domain names or IDNs), or it can be a valid IP (v4 or v6).
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring anywhere in the string.
    Email specifies that the field must be a valid email address as defined by RFC 5322
    Hostname specifies that the field must be a valid hostname as defined by RFC 1034.
    IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be evaluated only if the field is not empty
    Ip specifies that the field must be a valid IP (v4 or v6) address.
    Ipv4 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv4 address.
    Ipv6 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv6 address.
    Len specifies that this field must be the specified number of characters (Unicode code points).
    LenBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
    MaxBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes at a maximum
    MaxLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of characters (Unicode code points) at a maximum.
    MinBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes at a minimum
    MinLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of characters (Unicode code points) at a minimum.
    NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring anywhere in the string.
    Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified regular expression (RE2 syntax).
    Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at the beginning of the string.
    This applies to regexes HTTP_HEADER_NAME and HTTP_HEADER_VALUE to enable strict header validation.
    Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at the end of the string.
    Uri specifies that the field must be a valid, absolute URI as defined by RFC 3986
    UriRef specifies that the field must be a valid URI as defined by RFC 3986 and may be relative or absolute.
    Uuid specifies that the field must be a valid UUID as defined by RFC 4122
    WellKnownRegex specifies a common well known pattern defined as a regex.
    final boolean
    mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
    mergeFrom( other)
    setAddress(boolean value)
    Address specifies that the field must be either a valid hostname as defined by RFC 1034 (which does not support internationalized domain names or IDNs), or it can be a valid IP (v4 or v6).
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    setConstBytes( value)
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring anywhere in the string.
    setContainsBytes( value)
    Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring anywhere in the string.
    setEmail(boolean value)
    Email specifies that the field must be a valid email address as defined by RFC 5322
    setHostname(boolean value)
    Hostname specifies that the field must be a valid hostname as defined by RFC 1034.
    setIgnoreEmpty(boolean value)
    IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be evaluated only if the field is not empty
    setIn(int index, String value)
    In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified values
    setIp(boolean value)
    Ip specifies that the field must be a valid IP (v4 or v6) address.
    setIpv4(boolean value)
    Ipv4 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv4 address.
    setIpv6(boolean value)
    Ipv6 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv6 address.
    setLen(long value)
    Len specifies that this field must be the specified number of characters (Unicode code points).
    setLenBytes(long value)
    LenBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
    setMaxBytes(long value)
    MaxBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes at a maximum
    setMaxLen(long value)
    MaxLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of characters (Unicode code points) at a maximum.
    setMinBytes(long value)
    MinBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes at a minimum
    setMinLen(long value)
    MinLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of characters (Unicode code points) at a minimum.
    NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring anywhere in the string.
    setNotContainsBytes( value)
    NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring anywhere in the string.
    setNotIn(int index, String value)
    NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified values
    Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified regular expression (RE2 syntax).
    setPatternBytes( value)
    Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified regular expression (RE2 syntax).
    Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at the beginning of the string.
    setPrefixBytes( value)
    Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at the beginning of the string.
    setStrict(boolean value)
    This applies to regexes HTTP_HEADER_NAME and HTTP_HEADER_VALUE to enable strict header validation.
    Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at the end of the string.
    setSuffixBytes( value)
    Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at the end of the string.
    setUri(boolean value)
    Uri specifies that the field must be a valid, absolute URI as defined by RFC 3986
    setUriRef(boolean value)
    UriRef specifies that the field must be a valid URI as defined by RFC 3986 and may be relative or absolute.
    setUuid(boolean value)
    Uuid specifies that the field must be a valid UUID as defined by RFC 4122
    WellKnownRegex specifies a common well known pattern defined as a regex.

    Methods inherited from class

    addRepeatedField, clearField, clearOneof, clone, getAllFields, getField, getFieldBuilder, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getParentForChildren, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldBuilder, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, getUnknownFieldSetBuilder, hasField, hasOneof, internalGetMapField, internalGetMapFieldReflection, internalGetMutableMapField, internalGetMutableMapFieldReflection, isClean, markClean, mergeUnknownFields, mergeUnknownLengthDelimitedField, mergeUnknownVarintField, newBuilderForField, onBuilt, onChanged, parseUnknownField, setField, setRepeatedField, setUnknownFields, setUnknownFieldSetBuilder, setUnknownFieldsProto3

    Methods inherited from class

    findInitializationErrors, getInitializationErrorString, internalMergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, newUninitializedMessageException, toString

    Methods inherited from class

    addAll, addAll, mergeDelimitedFrom, mergeDelimitedFrom, mergeFrom, newUninitializedMessageException

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface

    mergeDelimitedFrom, mergeDelimitedFrom

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      public static final getDescriptor()
    • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

      protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
      Specified by:
      internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<Validate.StringRules.Builder>
    • clear

      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      clear in class<Validate.StringRules.Builder>
    • getDescriptorForType

      public getDescriptorForType()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      getDescriptorForType in class<Validate.StringRules.Builder>
    • getDefaultInstanceForType

      public Validate.StringRules getDefaultInstanceForType()
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
    • build

      public Validate.StringRules build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface
      Specified by:
      build in interface
    • buildPartial

      public Validate.StringRules buildPartial()
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
    • mergeFrom

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder mergeFrom( other)
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<Validate.StringRules.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

    • isInitialized

      public final boolean isInitialized()
      Specified by:
      isInitialized in interface
      isInitialized in class<Validate.StringRules.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<Validate.StringRules.Builder>
    • getWellKnownCase

      public Validate.StringRules.WellKnownCase getWellKnownCase()
      Specified by:
      getWellKnownCase in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
    • clearWellKnown

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearWellKnown()
    • hasConst

      public boolean hasConst()
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional string const = 1;
      Specified by:
      hasConst in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the const field is set.
    • getConst

      public String getConst()
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional string const = 1;
      Specified by:
      getConst in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The const.
    • getConstBytes

      public getConstBytes()
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional string const = 1;
      Specified by:
      getConstBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The bytes for const.
    • setConst

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setConst(String value)
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional string const = 1;
      value - The const to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearConst

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearConst()
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional string const = 1;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setConstBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setConstBytes( value)
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional string const = 1;
      value - The bytes for const to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasLen

      public boolean hasLen()
       Len specifies that this field must be the specified number of
       characters (Unicode code points). Note that the number of
       characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
      optional uint64 len = 19;
      Specified by:
      hasLen in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the len field is set.
    • getLen

      public long getLen()
       Len specifies that this field must be the specified number of
       characters (Unicode code points). Note that the number of
       characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
      optional uint64 len = 19;
      Specified by:
      getLen in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The len.
    • setLen

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setLen(long value)
       Len specifies that this field must be the specified number of
       characters (Unicode code points). Note that the number of
       characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
      optional uint64 len = 19;
      value - The len to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearLen

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearLen()
       Len specifies that this field must be the specified number of
       characters (Unicode code points). Note that the number of
       characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
      optional uint64 len = 19;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasMinLen

      public boolean hasMinLen()
       MinLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of
       characters (Unicode code points) at a minimum. Note that the number of
       characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
      optional uint64 min_len = 2;
      Specified by:
      hasMinLen in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the minLen field is set.
    • getMinLen

      public long getMinLen()
       MinLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of
       characters (Unicode code points) at a minimum. Note that the number of
       characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
      optional uint64 min_len = 2;
      Specified by:
      getMinLen in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The minLen.
    • setMinLen

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setMinLen(long value)
       MinLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of
       characters (Unicode code points) at a minimum. Note that the number of
       characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
      optional uint64 min_len = 2;
      value - The minLen to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearMinLen

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearMinLen()
       MinLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of
       characters (Unicode code points) at a minimum. Note that the number of
       characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
      optional uint64 min_len = 2;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasMaxLen

      public boolean hasMaxLen()
       MaxLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of
       characters (Unicode code points) at a maximum. Note that the number of
       characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
      optional uint64 max_len = 3;
      Specified by:
      hasMaxLen in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the maxLen field is set.
    • getMaxLen

      public long getMaxLen()
       MaxLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of
       characters (Unicode code points) at a maximum. Note that the number of
       characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
      optional uint64 max_len = 3;
      Specified by:
      getMaxLen in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The maxLen.
    • setMaxLen

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setMaxLen(long value)
       MaxLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of
       characters (Unicode code points) at a maximum. Note that the number of
       characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
      optional uint64 max_len = 3;
      value - The maxLen to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearMaxLen

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearMaxLen()
       MaxLen specifies that this field must be the specified number of
       characters (Unicode code points) at a maximum. Note that the number of
       characters may differ from the number of bytes in the string.
      optional uint64 max_len = 3;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasLenBytes

      public boolean hasLenBytes()
       LenBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
      optional uint64 len_bytes = 20;
      Specified by:
      hasLenBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the lenBytes field is set.
    • getLenBytes

      public long getLenBytes()
       LenBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
      optional uint64 len_bytes = 20;
      Specified by:
      getLenBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The lenBytes.
    • setLenBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setLenBytes(long value)
       LenBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
      optional uint64 len_bytes = 20;
      value - The lenBytes to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearLenBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearLenBytes()
       LenBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
      optional uint64 len_bytes = 20;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasMinBytes

      public boolean hasMinBytes()
       MinBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
       at a minimum
      optional uint64 min_bytes = 4;
      Specified by:
      hasMinBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the minBytes field is set.
    • getMinBytes

      public long getMinBytes()
       MinBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
       at a minimum
      optional uint64 min_bytes = 4;
      Specified by:
      getMinBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The minBytes.
    • setMinBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setMinBytes(long value)
       MinBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
       at a minimum
      optional uint64 min_bytes = 4;
      value - The minBytes to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearMinBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearMinBytes()
       MinBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
       at a minimum
      optional uint64 min_bytes = 4;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasMaxBytes

      public boolean hasMaxBytes()
       MaxBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
       at a maximum
      optional uint64 max_bytes = 5;
      Specified by:
      hasMaxBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the maxBytes field is set.
    • getMaxBytes

      public long getMaxBytes()
       MaxBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
       at a maximum
      optional uint64 max_bytes = 5;
      Specified by:
      getMaxBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The maxBytes.
    • setMaxBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setMaxBytes(long value)
       MaxBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
       at a maximum
      optional uint64 max_bytes = 5;
      value - The maxBytes to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearMaxBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearMaxBytes()
       MaxBytes specifies that this field must be the specified number of bytes
       at a maximum
      optional uint64 max_bytes = 5;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasPattern

      public boolean hasPattern()
       Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified
       regular expression (RE2 syntax). The included expression should elide
       any delimiters.
      optional string pattern = 6;
      Specified by:
      hasPattern in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the pattern field is set.
    • getPattern

      public String getPattern()
       Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified
       regular expression (RE2 syntax). The included expression should elide
       any delimiters.
      optional string pattern = 6;
      Specified by:
      getPattern in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The pattern.
    • getPatternBytes

      public getPatternBytes()
       Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified
       regular expression (RE2 syntax). The included expression should elide
       any delimiters.
      optional string pattern = 6;
      Specified by:
      getPatternBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The bytes for pattern.
    • setPattern

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setPattern(String value)
       Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified
       regular expression (RE2 syntax). The included expression should elide
       any delimiters.
      optional string pattern = 6;
      value - The pattern to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearPattern

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearPattern()
       Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified
       regular expression (RE2 syntax). The included expression should elide
       any delimiters.
      optional string pattern = 6;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setPatternBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setPatternBytes( value)
       Pattern specifies that this field must match against the specified
       regular expression (RE2 syntax). The included expression should elide
       any delimiters.
      optional string pattern = 6;
      value - The bytes for pattern to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasPrefix

      public boolean hasPrefix()
       Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
       the beginning of the string.
      optional string prefix = 7;
      Specified by:
      hasPrefix in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the prefix field is set.
    • getPrefix

      public String getPrefix()
       Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
       the beginning of the string.
      optional string prefix = 7;
      Specified by:
      getPrefix in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The prefix.
    • getPrefixBytes

      public getPrefixBytes()
       Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
       the beginning of the string.
      optional string prefix = 7;
      Specified by:
      getPrefixBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The bytes for prefix.
    • setPrefix

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setPrefix(String value)
       Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
       the beginning of the string.
      optional string prefix = 7;
      value - The prefix to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearPrefix

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearPrefix()
       Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
       the beginning of the string.
      optional string prefix = 7;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setPrefixBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setPrefixBytes( value)
       Prefix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
       the beginning of the string.
      optional string prefix = 7;
      value - The bytes for prefix to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasSuffix

      public boolean hasSuffix()
       Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
       the end of the string.
      optional string suffix = 8;
      Specified by:
      hasSuffix in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the suffix field is set.
    • getSuffix

      public String getSuffix()
       Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
       the end of the string.
      optional string suffix = 8;
      Specified by:
      getSuffix in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The suffix.
    • getSuffixBytes

      public getSuffixBytes()
       Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
       the end of the string.
      optional string suffix = 8;
      Specified by:
      getSuffixBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The bytes for suffix.
    • setSuffix

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setSuffix(String value)
       Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
       the end of the string.
      optional string suffix = 8;
      value - The suffix to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearSuffix

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearSuffix()
       Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
       the end of the string.
      optional string suffix = 8;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setSuffixBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setSuffixBytes( value)
       Suffix specifies that this field must have the specified substring at
       the end of the string.
      optional string suffix = 8;
      value - The bytes for suffix to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasContains

      public boolean hasContains()
       Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring
       anywhere in the string.
      optional string contains = 9;
      Specified by:
      hasContains in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the contains field is set.
    • getContains

      public String getContains()
       Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring
       anywhere in the string.
      optional string contains = 9;
      Specified by:
      getContains in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The contains.
    • getContainsBytes

      public getContainsBytes()
       Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring
       anywhere in the string.
      optional string contains = 9;
      Specified by:
      getContainsBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The bytes for contains.
    • setContains

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setContains(String value)
       Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring
       anywhere in the string.
      optional string contains = 9;
      value - The contains to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearContains

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearContains()
       Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring
       anywhere in the string.
      optional string contains = 9;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setContainsBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setContainsBytes( value)
       Contains specifies that this field must have the specified substring
       anywhere in the string.
      optional string contains = 9;
      value - The bytes for contains to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasNotContains

      public boolean hasNotContains()
       NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring
       anywhere in the string.
      optional string not_contains = 23;
      Specified by:
      hasNotContains in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the notContains field is set.
    • getNotContains

      public String getNotContains()
       NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring
       anywhere in the string.
      optional string not_contains = 23;
      Specified by:
      getNotContains in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The notContains.
    • getNotContainsBytes

      public getNotContainsBytes()
       NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring
       anywhere in the string.
      optional string not_contains = 23;
      Specified by:
      getNotContainsBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The bytes for notContains.
    • setNotContains

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setNotContains(String value)
       NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring
       anywhere in the string.
      optional string not_contains = 23;
      value - The notContains to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearNotContains

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearNotContains()
       NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring
       anywhere in the string.
      optional string not_contains = 23;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setNotContainsBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setNotContainsBytes( value)
       NotContains specifies that this field cannot have the specified substring
       anywhere in the string.
      optional string not_contains = 23;
      value - The bytes for notContains to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • getInList

      public getInList()
       In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string in = 10;
      Specified by:
      getInList in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      A list containing the in.
    • getInCount

      public int getInCount()
       In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string in = 10;
      Specified by:
      getInCount in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The count of in.
    • getIn

      public String getIn(int index)
       In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string in = 10;
      Specified by:
      getIn in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The in at the given index.
    • getInBytes

      public getInBytes(int index)
       In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string in = 10;
      Specified by:
      getInBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      index - The index of the value to return.
      The bytes of the in at the given index.
    • setIn

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setIn(int index, String value)
       In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string in = 10;
      index - The index to set the value at.
      value - The in to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addIn

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder addIn(String value)
       In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string in = 10;
      value - The in to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addAllIn

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder addAllIn(Iterable<String> values)
       In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string in = 10;
      values - The in to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearIn

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearIn()
       In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string in = 10;
      This builder for chaining.
    • addInBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder addInBytes( value)
       In specifies that this field must be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string in = 10;
      value - The bytes of the in to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • getNotInList

      public getNotInList()
       NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string not_in = 11;
      Specified by:
      getNotInList in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      A list containing the notIn.
    • getNotInCount

      public int getNotInCount()
       NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string not_in = 11;
      Specified by:
      getNotInCount in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The count of notIn.
    • getNotIn

      public String getNotIn(int index)
       NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string not_in = 11;
      Specified by:
      getNotIn in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The notIn at the given index.
    • getNotInBytes

      public getNotInBytes(int index)
       NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string not_in = 11;
      Specified by:
      getNotInBytes in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      index - The index of the value to return.
      The bytes of the notIn at the given index.
    • setNotIn

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setNotIn(int index, String value)
       NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string not_in = 11;
      index - The index to set the value at.
      value - The notIn to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addNotIn

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder addNotIn(String value)
       NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string not_in = 11;
      value - The notIn to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • addAllNotIn

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder addAllNotIn(Iterable<String> values)
       NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string not_in = 11;
      values - The notIn to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearNotIn

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearNotIn()
       NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string not_in = 11;
      This builder for chaining.
    • addNotInBytes

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder addNotInBytes( value)
       NotIn specifies that this field cannot be equal to one of the specified
      repeated string not_in = 11;
      value - The bytes of the notIn to add.
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasEmail

      public boolean hasEmail()
       Email specifies that the field must be a valid email address as
       defined by RFC 5322
      bool email = 12;
      Specified by:
      hasEmail in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the email field is set.
    • getEmail

      public boolean getEmail()
       Email specifies that the field must be a valid email address as
       defined by RFC 5322
      bool email = 12;
      Specified by:
      getEmail in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The email.
    • setEmail

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setEmail(boolean value)
       Email specifies that the field must be a valid email address as
       defined by RFC 5322
      bool email = 12;
      value - The email to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearEmail

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearEmail()
       Email specifies that the field must be a valid email address as
       defined by RFC 5322
      bool email = 12;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasHostname

      public boolean hasHostname()
       Hostname specifies that the field must be a valid hostname as
       defined by RFC 1034. This constraint does not support
       internationalized domain names (IDNs).
      bool hostname = 13;
      Specified by:
      hasHostname in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the hostname field is set.
    • getHostname

      public boolean getHostname()
       Hostname specifies that the field must be a valid hostname as
       defined by RFC 1034. This constraint does not support
       internationalized domain names (IDNs).
      bool hostname = 13;
      Specified by:
      getHostname in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The hostname.
    • setHostname

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setHostname(boolean value)
       Hostname specifies that the field must be a valid hostname as
       defined by RFC 1034. This constraint does not support
       internationalized domain names (IDNs).
      bool hostname = 13;
      value - The hostname to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearHostname

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearHostname()
       Hostname specifies that the field must be a valid hostname as
       defined by RFC 1034. This constraint does not support
       internationalized domain names (IDNs).
      bool hostname = 13;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasIp

      public boolean hasIp()
       Ip specifies that the field must be a valid IP (v4 or v6) address.
       Valid IPv6 addresses should not include surrounding square brackets.
      bool ip = 14;
      Specified by:
      hasIp in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the ip field is set.
    • getIp

      public boolean getIp()
       Ip specifies that the field must be a valid IP (v4 or v6) address.
       Valid IPv6 addresses should not include surrounding square brackets.
      bool ip = 14;
      Specified by:
      getIp in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The ip.
    • setIp

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setIp(boolean value)
       Ip specifies that the field must be a valid IP (v4 or v6) address.
       Valid IPv6 addresses should not include surrounding square brackets.
      bool ip = 14;
      value - The ip to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearIp

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearIp()
       Ip specifies that the field must be a valid IP (v4 or v6) address.
       Valid IPv6 addresses should not include surrounding square brackets.
      bool ip = 14;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasIpv4

      public boolean hasIpv4()
       Ipv4 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv4 address.
      bool ipv4 = 15;
      Specified by:
      hasIpv4 in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the ipv4 field is set.
    • getIpv4

      public boolean getIpv4()
       Ipv4 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv4 address.
      bool ipv4 = 15;
      Specified by:
      getIpv4 in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The ipv4.
    • setIpv4

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setIpv4(boolean value)
       Ipv4 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv4 address.
      bool ipv4 = 15;
      value - The ipv4 to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearIpv4

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearIpv4()
       Ipv4 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv4 address.
      bool ipv4 = 15;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasIpv6

      public boolean hasIpv6()
       Ipv6 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv6 address. Valid
       IPv6 addresses should not include surrounding square brackets.
      bool ipv6 = 16;
      Specified by:
      hasIpv6 in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the ipv6 field is set.
    • getIpv6

      public boolean getIpv6()
       Ipv6 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv6 address. Valid
       IPv6 addresses should not include surrounding square brackets.
      bool ipv6 = 16;
      Specified by:
      getIpv6 in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The ipv6.
    • setIpv6

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setIpv6(boolean value)
       Ipv6 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv6 address. Valid
       IPv6 addresses should not include surrounding square brackets.
      bool ipv6 = 16;
      value - The ipv6 to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearIpv6

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearIpv6()
       Ipv6 specifies that the field must be a valid IPv6 address. Valid
       IPv6 addresses should not include surrounding square brackets.
      bool ipv6 = 16;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasUri

      public boolean hasUri()
       Uri specifies that the field must be a valid, absolute URI as defined
       by RFC 3986
      bool uri = 17;
      Specified by:
      hasUri in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the uri field is set.
    • getUri

      public boolean getUri()
       Uri specifies that the field must be a valid, absolute URI as defined
       by RFC 3986
      bool uri = 17;
      Specified by:
      getUri in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The uri.
    • setUri

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setUri(boolean value)
       Uri specifies that the field must be a valid, absolute URI as defined
       by RFC 3986
      bool uri = 17;
      value - The uri to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearUri

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearUri()
       Uri specifies that the field must be a valid, absolute URI as defined
       by RFC 3986
      bool uri = 17;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasUriRef

      public boolean hasUriRef()
       UriRef specifies that the field must be a valid URI as defined by RFC
       3986 and may be relative or absolute.
      bool uri_ref = 18;
      Specified by:
      hasUriRef in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the uriRef field is set.
    • getUriRef

      public boolean getUriRef()
       UriRef specifies that the field must be a valid URI as defined by RFC
       3986 and may be relative or absolute.
      bool uri_ref = 18;
      Specified by:
      getUriRef in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The uriRef.
    • setUriRef

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setUriRef(boolean value)
       UriRef specifies that the field must be a valid URI as defined by RFC
       3986 and may be relative or absolute.
      bool uri_ref = 18;
      value - The uriRef to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearUriRef

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearUriRef()
       UriRef specifies that the field must be a valid URI as defined by RFC
       3986 and may be relative or absolute.
      bool uri_ref = 18;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasAddress

      public boolean hasAddress()
       Address specifies that the field must be either a valid hostname as
       defined by RFC 1034 (which does not support internationalized domain
       names or IDNs), or it can be a valid IP (v4 or v6).
      bool address = 21;
      Specified by:
      hasAddress in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the address field is set.
    • getAddress

      public boolean getAddress()
       Address specifies that the field must be either a valid hostname as
       defined by RFC 1034 (which does not support internationalized domain
       names or IDNs), or it can be a valid IP (v4 or v6).
      bool address = 21;
      Specified by:
      getAddress in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The address.
    • setAddress

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setAddress(boolean value)
       Address specifies that the field must be either a valid hostname as
       defined by RFC 1034 (which does not support internationalized domain
       names or IDNs), or it can be a valid IP (v4 or v6).
      bool address = 21;
      value - The address to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearAddress

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearAddress()
       Address specifies that the field must be either a valid hostname as
       defined by RFC 1034 (which does not support internationalized domain
       names or IDNs), or it can be a valid IP (v4 or v6).
      bool address = 21;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasUuid

      public boolean hasUuid()
       Uuid specifies that the field must be a valid UUID as defined by
       RFC 4122
      bool uuid = 22;
      Specified by:
      hasUuid in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the uuid field is set.
    • getUuid

      public boolean getUuid()
       Uuid specifies that the field must be a valid UUID as defined by
       RFC 4122
      bool uuid = 22;
      Specified by:
      getUuid in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The uuid.
    • setUuid

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setUuid(boolean value)
       Uuid specifies that the field must be a valid UUID as defined by
       RFC 4122
      bool uuid = 22;
      value - The uuid to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearUuid

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearUuid()
       Uuid specifies that the field must be a valid UUID as defined by
       RFC 4122
      bool uuid = 22;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasWellKnownRegex

      public boolean hasWellKnownRegex()
       WellKnownRegex specifies a common well known pattern defined as a regex.
      .validate.KnownRegex well_known_regex = 24;
      Specified by:
      hasWellKnownRegex in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the wellKnownRegex field is set.
    • getWellKnownRegex

      public Validate.KnownRegex getWellKnownRegex()
       WellKnownRegex specifies a common well known pattern defined as a regex.
      .validate.KnownRegex well_known_regex = 24;
      Specified by:
      getWellKnownRegex in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The wellKnownRegex.
    • setWellKnownRegex

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setWellKnownRegex(Validate.KnownRegex value)
       WellKnownRegex specifies a common well known pattern defined as a regex.
      .validate.KnownRegex well_known_regex = 24;
      value - The wellKnownRegex to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearWellKnownRegex

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearWellKnownRegex()
       WellKnownRegex specifies a common well known pattern defined as a regex.
      .validate.KnownRegex well_known_regex = 24;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasStrict

      public boolean hasStrict()
       This applies to regexes HTTP_HEADER_NAME and HTTP_HEADER_VALUE to enable
       strict header validation.
       By default, this is true, and HTTP header validations are RFC-compliant.
       Setting to false will enable a looser validations that only disallows
       \r\n\0 characters, which can be used to bypass header matching rules.
      optional bool strict = 25 [default = true];
      Specified by:
      hasStrict in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the strict field is set.
    • getStrict

      public boolean getStrict()
       This applies to regexes HTTP_HEADER_NAME and HTTP_HEADER_VALUE to enable
       strict header validation.
       By default, this is true, and HTTP header validations are RFC-compliant.
       Setting to false will enable a looser validations that only disallows
       \r\n\0 characters, which can be used to bypass header matching rules.
      optional bool strict = 25 [default = true];
      Specified by:
      getStrict in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The strict.
    • setStrict

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setStrict(boolean value)
       This applies to regexes HTTP_HEADER_NAME and HTTP_HEADER_VALUE to enable
       strict header validation.
       By default, this is true, and HTTP header validations are RFC-compliant.
       Setting to false will enable a looser validations that only disallows
       \r\n\0 characters, which can be used to bypass header matching rules.
      optional bool strict = 25 [default = true];
      value - The strict to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearStrict

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearStrict()
       This applies to regexes HTTP_HEADER_NAME and HTTP_HEADER_VALUE to enable
       strict header validation.
       By default, this is true, and HTTP header validations are RFC-compliant.
       Setting to false will enable a looser validations that only disallows
       \r\n\0 characters, which can be used to bypass header matching rules.
      optional bool strict = 25 [default = true];
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasIgnoreEmpty

      public boolean hasIgnoreEmpty()
       IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
       evaluated only if the field is not empty
      optional bool ignore_empty = 26;
      Specified by:
      hasIgnoreEmpty in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the ignoreEmpty field is set.
    • getIgnoreEmpty

      public boolean getIgnoreEmpty()
       IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
       evaluated only if the field is not empty
      optional bool ignore_empty = 26;
      Specified by:
      getIgnoreEmpty in interface Validate.StringRulesOrBuilder
      The ignoreEmpty.
    • setIgnoreEmpty

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder setIgnoreEmpty(boolean value)
       IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
       evaluated only if the field is not empty
      optional bool ignore_empty = 26;
      value - The ignoreEmpty to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearIgnoreEmpty

      public Validate.StringRules.Builder clearIgnoreEmpty()
       IgnoreEmpty specifies that the validation rules of this field should be
       evaluated only if the field is not empty
      optional bool ignore_empty = 26;
      This builder for chaining.