Class Validate.TimestampRules.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:,,,, Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static final class Validate.TimestampRules.Builder extends<Validate.TimestampRules.Builder> implements Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
 TimestampRules describe the constraints applied exclusively to the
 `google.protobuf.Timestamp` well-known type
Protobuf type validate.TimestampRules
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, exclusive
    Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, inclusive
    GtNow specifies that this must be greater than the current time.
    Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, exclusive
    Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, inclusive
    LtNow specifies that this must be less than the current time.
    Required specifies that this field must be set
    Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the current time.
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    static final

    Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, exclusive
    Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, exclusive
    Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, inclusive
    Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, inclusive
    Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, inclusive
    GtNow specifies that this must be greater than the current time.
    Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, exclusive
    Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, exclusive
    Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, exclusive
    Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, inclusive
    Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, inclusive
    Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, inclusive
    LtNow specifies that this must be less than the current time.
    Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, exclusive
    Required specifies that this field must be set
    Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the current time.
    Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the current time.
    Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the current time.
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, exclusive
    Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, inclusive
    GtNow specifies that this must be greater than the current time.
    Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, exclusive
    Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, inclusive
    LtNow specifies that this must be less than the current time.
    Required specifies that this field must be set
    Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the current time.
    final boolean
    mergeConst( value)
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
    mergeFrom( other)
    mergeGt( value)
    Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, exclusive
    mergeGte( value)
    Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, inclusive
    mergeLt( value)
    Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, exclusive
    mergeLte( value)
    Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, inclusive
    mergeWithin( value)
    Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the current time.
    setConst( value)
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    setConst( builderForValue)
    Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
    setGt( value)
    Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, exclusive
    setGt( builderForValue)
    Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, exclusive
    setGte( value)
    Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, inclusive
    setGte( builderForValue)
    Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value, inclusive
    setGtNow(boolean value)
    GtNow specifies that this must be greater than the current time.
    setLt( value)
    Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, exclusive
    setLt( builderForValue)
    Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, exclusive
    setLte( value)
    Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, inclusive
    setLte( builderForValue)
    Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value, inclusive
    setLtNow(boolean value)
    LtNow specifies that this must be less than the current time.
    setRequired(boolean value)
    Required specifies that this field must be set
    setWithin( value)
    Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the current time.
    setWithin( builderForValue)
    Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the current time.

    Methods inherited from class

    addRepeatedField, clearField, clearOneof, clone, getAllFields, getField, getFieldBuilder, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getParentForChildren, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldBuilder, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, getUnknownFieldSetBuilder, hasField, hasOneof, internalGetMapField, internalGetMapFieldReflection, internalGetMutableMapField, internalGetMutableMapFieldReflection, isClean, markClean, mergeUnknownFields, mergeUnknownLengthDelimitedField, mergeUnknownVarintField, newBuilderForField, onBuilt, onChanged, parseUnknownField, setField, setRepeatedField, setUnknownFields, setUnknownFieldSetBuilder, setUnknownFieldsProto3

    Methods inherited from class

    findInitializationErrors, getInitializationErrorString, internalMergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, mergeFrom, newUninitializedMessageException, toString

    Methods inherited from class

    addAll, addAll, mergeDelimitedFrom, mergeDelimitedFrom, mergeFrom, newUninitializedMessageException

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface

    mergeDelimitedFrom, mergeDelimitedFrom

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      public static final getDescriptor()
    • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

      protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
      Specified by:
      internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<Validate.TimestampRules.Builder>
    • clear

      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      clear in class<Validate.TimestampRules.Builder>
    • getDescriptorForType

      public getDescriptorForType()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      getDescriptorForType in class<Validate.TimestampRules.Builder>
    • getDefaultInstanceForType

      public Validate.TimestampRules getDefaultInstanceForType()
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
    • build

      public Validate.TimestampRules build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface
      Specified by:
      build in interface
    • buildPartial

      public Validate.TimestampRules buildPartial()
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
    • mergeFrom

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder mergeFrom( other)
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<Validate.TimestampRules.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

    • isInitialized

      public final boolean isInitialized()
      Specified by:
      isInitialized in interface
      isInitialized in class<Validate.TimestampRules.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<Validate.TimestampRules.Builder>
    • hasRequired

      public boolean hasRequired()
       Required specifies that this field must be set
      optional bool required = 1;
      Specified by:
      hasRequired in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the required field is set.
    • getRequired

      public boolean getRequired()
       Required specifies that this field must be set
      optional bool required = 1;
      Specified by:
      getRequired in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      The required.
    • setRequired

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setRequired(boolean value)
       Required specifies that this field must be set
      optional bool required = 1;
      value - The required to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearRequired

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder clearRequired()
       Required specifies that this field must be set
      optional bool required = 1;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasConst

      public boolean hasConst()
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp const = 2;
      Specified by:
      hasConst in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the const field is set.
    • getConst

      public getConst()
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp const = 2;
      Specified by:
      getConst in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      The const.
    • setConst

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setConst( value)
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp const = 2;
    • setConst

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setConst( builderForValue)
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp const = 2;
    • mergeConst

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder mergeConst( value)
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp const = 2;
    • clearConst

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder clearConst()
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp const = 2;
    • getConstBuilder

      public getConstBuilder()
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp const = 2;
    • getConstOrBuilder

      public getConstOrBuilder()
       Const specifies that this field must be exactly the specified value
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp const = 2;
      Specified by:
      getConstOrBuilder in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
    • hasLt

      public boolean hasLt()
       Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lt = 3;
      Specified by:
      hasLt in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the lt field is set.
    • getLt

      public getLt()
       Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lt = 3;
      Specified by:
      getLt in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      The lt.
    • setLt

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setLt( value)
       Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lt = 3;
    • setLt

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setLt( builderForValue)
       Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lt = 3;
    • mergeLt

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder mergeLt( value)
       Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lt = 3;
    • clearLt

       Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lt = 3;
    • getLtBuilder

      public getLtBuilder()
       Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lt = 3;
    • getLtOrBuilder

      public getLtOrBuilder()
       Lt specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lt = 3;
      Specified by:
      getLtOrBuilder in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
    • hasLte

      public boolean hasLte()
       Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lte = 4;
      Specified by:
      hasLte in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the lte field is set.
    • getLte

      public getLte()
       Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lte = 4;
      Specified by:
      getLte in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      The lte.
    • setLte

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setLte( value)
       Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lte = 4;
    • setLte

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setLte( builderForValue)
       Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lte = 4;
    • mergeLte

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder mergeLte( value)
       Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lte = 4;
    • clearLte

       Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lte = 4;
    • getLteBuilder

      public getLteBuilder()
       Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lte = 4;
    • getLteOrBuilder

      public getLteOrBuilder()
       Lte specifies that this field must be less than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp lte = 4;
      Specified by:
      getLteOrBuilder in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
    • hasGt

      public boolean hasGt()
       Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gt = 5;
      Specified by:
      hasGt in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the gt field is set.
    • getGt

      public getGt()
       Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gt = 5;
      Specified by:
      getGt in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      The gt.
    • setGt

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setGt( value)
       Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gt = 5;
    • setGt

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setGt( builderForValue)
       Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gt = 5;
    • mergeGt

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder mergeGt( value)
       Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gt = 5;
    • clearGt

       Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gt = 5;
    • getGtBuilder

      public getGtBuilder()
       Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gt = 5;
    • getGtOrBuilder

      public getGtOrBuilder()
       Gt specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gt = 5;
      Specified by:
      getGtOrBuilder in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
    • hasGte

      public boolean hasGte()
       Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gte = 6;
      Specified by:
      hasGte in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the gte field is set.
    • getGte

      public getGte()
       Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gte = 6;
      Specified by:
      getGte in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      The gte.
    • setGte

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setGte( value)
       Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gte = 6;
    • setGte

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setGte( builderForValue)
       Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gte = 6;
    • mergeGte

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder mergeGte( value)
       Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gte = 6;
    • clearGte

       Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gte = 6;
    • getGteBuilder

      public getGteBuilder()
       Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gte = 6;
    • getGteOrBuilder

      public getGteOrBuilder()
       Gte specifies that this field must be greater than the specified value,
      optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp gte = 6;
      Specified by:
      getGteOrBuilder in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
    • hasLtNow

      public boolean hasLtNow()
       LtNow specifies that this must be less than the current time. LtNow
       can only be used with the Within rule.
      optional bool lt_now = 7;
      Specified by:
      hasLtNow in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the ltNow field is set.
    • getLtNow

      public boolean getLtNow()
       LtNow specifies that this must be less than the current time. LtNow
       can only be used with the Within rule.
      optional bool lt_now = 7;
      Specified by:
      getLtNow in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      The ltNow.
    • setLtNow

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setLtNow(boolean value)
       LtNow specifies that this must be less than the current time. LtNow
       can only be used with the Within rule.
      optional bool lt_now = 7;
      value - The ltNow to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearLtNow

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder clearLtNow()
       LtNow specifies that this must be less than the current time. LtNow
       can only be used with the Within rule.
      optional bool lt_now = 7;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasGtNow

      public boolean hasGtNow()
       GtNow specifies that this must be greater than the current time. GtNow
       can only be used with the Within rule.
      optional bool gt_now = 8;
      Specified by:
      hasGtNow in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the gtNow field is set.
    • getGtNow

      public boolean getGtNow()
       GtNow specifies that this must be greater than the current time. GtNow
       can only be used with the Within rule.
      optional bool gt_now = 8;
      Specified by:
      getGtNow in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      The gtNow.
    • setGtNow

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setGtNow(boolean value)
       GtNow specifies that this must be greater than the current time. GtNow
       can only be used with the Within rule.
      optional bool gt_now = 8;
      value - The gtNow to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearGtNow

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder clearGtNow()
       GtNow specifies that this must be greater than the current time. GtNow
       can only be used with the Within rule.
      optional bool gt_now = 8;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasWithin

      public boolean hasWithin()
       Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the
       current time. This constraint can be used alone or with the LtNow and
       GtNow rules.
      optional .google.protobuf.Duration within = 9;
      Specified by:
      hasWithin in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      Whether the within field is set.
    • getWithin

      public getWithin()
       Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the
       current time. This constraint can be used alone or with the LtNow and
       GtNow rules.
      optional .google.protobuf.Duration within = 9;
      Specified by:
      getWithin in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder
      The within.
    • setWithin

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setWithin( value)
       Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the
       current time. This constraint can be used alone or with the LtNow and
       GtNow rules.
      optional .google.protobuf.Duration within = 9;
    • setWithin

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder setWithin( builderForValue)
       Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the
       current time. This constraint can be used alone or with the LtNow and
       GtNow rules.
      optional .google.protobuf.Duration within = 9;
    • mergeWithin

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder mergeWithin( value)
       Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the
       current time. This constraint can be used alone or with the LtNow and
       GtNow rules.
      optional .google.protobuf.Duration within = 9;
    • clearWithin

      public Validate.TimestampRules.Builder clearWithin()
       Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the
       current time. This constraint can be used alone or with the LtNow and
       GtNow rules.
      optional .google.protobuf.Duration within = 9;
    • getWithinBuilder

      public getWithinBuilder()
       Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the
       current time. This constraint can be used alone or with the LtNow and
       GtNow rules.
      optional .google.protobuf.Duration within = 9;
    • getWithinOrBuilder

      public getWithinOrBuilder()
       Within specifies that this field must be within this duration of the
       current time. This constraint can be used alone or with the LtNow and
       GtNow rules.
      optional .google.protobuf.Duration within = 9;
      Specified by:
      getWithinOrBuilder in interface Validate.TimestampRulesOrBuilder